Amazing discovery out performs PPC and SEO without costing a dime
Released on: August 7, 2008, 1:36 pm
Press Release Author: Ryan Dunn
Industry: Marketing
Press Release Summary: There is no question that web 2.0 sites like Yotube, Squidoo and Facebook are taking over the internet. The smart marketers have already recognized this trend and have started majorly capitalizing on it. One of those marketers is Global Resorts Network Leader and trainer Ryan Dunn.
Press Release Body: There is no question that web 2.0 sites like Yotube, Squidoo and Facebook are taking over the internet. The smart marketers have already recognized this trend and have started majorly capitalizing on it. One of those marketers is Global Resorts Network Leader and trainer Ryan Dunn. \"I realized that this was not just a trend or a bunch of hype, when I started getting better results with all this free stuff than I was getting when I was spending thousands and thousands of dollars on stuff like pay per click and search engine optimization," said Ryan. Ryan discovered that he could market using web 2.0 on accident. Mostly out of complete desperation. He had run out of money calling leads and learning pay per click. He said the bank was calling him almost every day treating to take his house and car. \"I hated my job though and refused to go back. That is when I started playing with this web 2.0 stuff.\" Ryan started making videos and putting them on youtube and learned some pretty interesting techniques for getting them to the top so people would see them. After just a month of slaving creating over 50 videos, articles, podcasts, Squidoo lens and submitting them and bookmark them all over the internet. His traffic on his web site shot through the roof. \"For the first time ever people where calling me. I wasn\'t chasing them down anymore. I literally couldn\'t get the phone to stop ringing if I wanted to, it was insane.\" For a long time Ryan kept this technique a secret only sharing it with his team members. In fear that if everyone found out about this they would saturate the market and his goldmine would quickly disappear. He soon realized that the market was too big to be saturated and that most even if given a precise map and step by step game plan for success most would not take the time to follow it. He realized that\'s there were a lot of people struggling and succeeding a like that could really use what he had accidently discovered. \"I could not get my phone to stop ringing with people begging me to share with them what I was doing. I was spending more time trying to explain how I was generating traffic that taking credit card numbers from my clients. So I wrote it all down in what I call the Web 2.0 Domination Report\" In this report he outlines his entire method of attack for driving traffic to his web page. When asks for some final words to sum up his new report Ryan said, "The internet is about to make a radical change. Those that see that and position them self\'s in the front are in for a very lucrative ride\" You can download your own copy of the web 2 domination report or free here. ###
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